Brucella is a gram negative coccobacilli capable of infecting a wide range of animal and man. Of the threespecies causing human infection, B. melitensis is the most patogenic followed by B. suis and B. abortus .Brucellosis is transmitted through contaminated and untreated milk and milk products and by direct contactwith infected animals (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, camels, buffaloes, and, very recently, seals), animalcarcasses, and abortion materials. Worldwide, millions of individual are at risk, especially in developingcountries where the infection in animals has not been brought under control, heat treatment procedures ofmilk (e.g. pasteurization) are not routinely applied, and food habits such as consumption of raw milk. Theincubation period of brucellosis is usually one to three weeks, but sometimes may be several months. Theillness may be mild and self-limiting or severe. The disease is accompanied by continued, intermittent, orirregular fever, headache, weight loss and generalized aching and fatigue. Urogenital symptoms maydominate the clinical presentation in some patients