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Cancer Antigen 125 (CA125) is a surface antigen associated with epithelial ovarian cancer. Inserum, CA125 is associated with a high molecular weight glycoprotein. Published studies haveindicated that elevated serum CA125 levels can be found in individuals with seriousendometroid, clear-cell and undifferentiated ovarian carcinoma. The serum CA125concentration is greater than 35 units per ml in 60% of women with ovarian cancer and >80% ofpatients with disseminated ovarian cancer. The serum CA125 is elevated in 1% of normalhealthy women, 3% of normal healthy women with benign ovarian diseases, 6% of patients withnon-neoplastic conditions (including but not limited to first trimester pregnancy, menstruation,endometriosis, uterine fibrosis, acute salphingitis, hepatic diseases and inflammation ofperitoneum, pericardium or pleura). Serial determinations of serum CA125 as well as pelvicexamination increase the test specificity. Serum CA125 concentration may be useful inmonitoring treatment and distinguishing between good response to treatment and progressivemalignant disease with poor therapeutic response. To date, CA125 is the most sensitive markerfor residual epithelial ovarian cancer. CA125 may also be elevated in patients with lung,cervical, fallopian tube, and uterine cancer and endometriosis.