Calbiotech Human Insulin Elisa Kit

Calbiotech Human Insulin Elisa Kit

1 INR/Kit

Product Details:

  • Gender Unisex
  • Usage Pathlab / Hospital / Clinic
  • Product Type Elisa
  • Number Of Layers 96 Test
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Calbiotech Human Insulin Elisa Kit Price And Quantity

  • 1.00 - 1.00 INR/Kit
  • 1 INR/Kit
  • 1 Kit

Calbiotech Human Insulin Elisa Kit Product Specifications

  • 96 Test
  • Unisex
  • Pathlab / Hospital / Clinic
  • Elisa

Calbiotech Human Insulin Elisa Kit Trade Information

  • 1 Days
  • Box
  • All India

Product Description

Insulin is the principal hormone responsible for the control of glucose metabolism. It is synthesized in the ï-cells of theislets of Langerhans as the precursor, proinsulin, which is processed to form C-peptide and insulin. Both are secreted inequimolar amounts into the portal circulation. The mature insulin molecule comprises two polypeptide chains, the A chainand B chain (21 and 30 amino acids respectively). The two chains are linked together by two inter-chain disulphidebridges. There is also an intra-chain disulphide bridge in the A chain. Insulin concentrations are severely reduced ininsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and some other conditions such as hypopituitarism. Insulin levels are raisedin non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), obesity, insulinoma and some endocrine dysfunctions such asCushingïs syndrome and acromegaly.

The Calbiotech Inc., Insulin ELISA is based on solid phase sandwich ELISA method. The samples and conjugatereagent (anti-Insulin biotin & HRP) are added to the wells coated with Streptavidin. Insulin in the patient's serum binds tothe matched pair Abs, forming a sandwich complex and simultaneously the complex is being immobilized on the platethrough streptavidin-biotin interactions. Unbound protein and HRP conjugate are washed off, through a washing step.Upon addition of the substrate, the intensity of color is proportional to the concentration of Insulin in the samples. Astandard curve is prepared by relating the color intensity to the concentration of Insulin.

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  • 50
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