Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by the pituitarygland and regulates the synthesis/ release of T3 and T4 by thyroid gland. TSH has twosubunits, namely alpha and beta. The alpha subunit is similar to the alpha subunitfound in LH, FSH and hCG glycoprotein hormones. However, the beta subunit isspecific and differs from hormone to hormone. The serum TSH measurement is one ofthe most important tools in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders. Increased serum TSH isan early and sensitive indicator of decreased thyroid reserve and overt primaryhypothyroidism. Decreased of TSH levels is an indicator of TSH-independenthyperthyroidism (Graves disease). The sensitivity of this ELISA test is 0.05ïIU/ml.