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Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a pathogen with spectrum of clinical presentations ranging from asymptomaticto pronounced pneumonia. Symptoms start from 6 to 32 days after exposure with headache, malaise,cough, sore throat and fever. The illness can last from a few days to a month or more. Detection by ELISAof M. pneumoniae IgM antibodies or demonstration of a significant increase of specific IgG antibodies isstrong evidence for recent infection in the appropriate clinical setting. Specific IgM antibodies typicallyincrease significantly 1 week after clinical onset and specific IgG levels rise in the second week. M.pneumoniae IgM can, however, persist for more than two years after infection, and therefore, detection ofspecific IgM does not accurately indicate the time of infection. Primary infection and reinfection may bedistinguished by the presence of elevated specific IgA and of specific IgM in primary infections and by thepresence of elevated specific IgA in the absence of specific IgM in reinfections. In general, the absence ofspecific IgM in serum collected 10-20 days after onset is strong evidence against primary pneumonia dueto M. pneumoniae.